How To Find Blog Post Ideas

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We all start our blog with huge hopes and a ton of ideas. We know what we want to write about and there seems to be no end to the amount of topics for our blog writing. Then, one day… it hits.. out of nowhere… there’s no more blog post ideas, there’s nothing left to write, you’ve written it all… well, not all, but, you don’t have a clue what to write about now. That can hit you like a ton of bricks, but, it’s ok, it happens to all content creators, and you’ll get through it and the content curation juices will begin to flow again. Maybe you’re in a rut, or you haven’t taken the time to get out from behind your computer and interact with the world. Spending time face to face with people and real life outside of the computer can give you a myriad of blog content ideas, after all, that’s where they came from before you started your blog… You just need to become a blog content planner to get your blog content strategy up and going again in no time.
Finding blog topics to write about is easy. However, finding topics that your readers will love can be a different story.
Do you find yourself struggling to come up with new articles for your blog?
Are you always looking for different ways to generate new ideas for your content?
If you want to continue to serve your audience (and subsequently keep them coming back for more), you need to consistently generate high-quality content. Most of our readers are expecting consistent content because this is what you delivered in the past and made them subscribe to your blog.
If finding blog topics is your problem, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Check out this step-by-step process to use in finding topics that your readers will rave about. These are easy ways to help you find new and interesting ideas for your growing blog.

Write A Post From Questions
Most of your followers will come to you for answers to their questions as they will see you as a knowledgeable and reliable resource. It’s very likely that you will have the same questions several times. Also, that’s how new readers will find you. They go to a search engine and ask for information on a specific topic and the search engine gives them results and if you have the answer they are looking for, then you are more likely to be shown to them as having their answer.
The questions that you receive, whether via comments on your blog posts, your social media accounts, or email, are all great starting points for blog posts.
There are more benefits using this strategy.
First, you’ll increase the likelihood of people finding your blog by searching for this topic. Secondly, you are further establishing yourself and your site as an expert in your niche.
Or take a category on your blog and write about and link back to the posts you have written in that particular category. This accomplishes 2 things: 1. you are getting more hits on older posts because you are linking to them in the post and telling people you’ve written about this topic. 2. Search engines love when we link inside our site, too, as well as out to authoritative sites.

Read Other Blogs
Reading other blogs in your niche for ideas is another source for your blog posts. This doesn’t mean that you are ripping off anyone else’s ideas or copying posts from other sites – both of which are HUGE no no’s – I hope you learned that in grade school..
Instead of doing this, use the ideas you gathered and add your own spice on the subject. Use the topic and discuss whether you agree or disagree. You may also provide your own preferences and use samples or data to support your ideas.
For example, say you have a coupon blog and you teach couponing – well, so do 50 million other bloggers… but, you are the one your readers want to learn from, they connect with you and want to hear your take and ways of doing things. So, 50 million and ONE blogs can teach couponing, and it’s not copying anyone’s posts or ideas, it’s sharing your own take on the same subject.

Use Quora
If you weren’t aware of it, Quora is a Question and Answer site that features different questions with answers containing opinions, facts, and stories that are voted on by other members.
Quora allows you to reuse their content and publish it anywhere on the web, as long as you link back to the original content.
For you to find blog content on Quora, all you need to do is:
- Visit Quora’s Website.

2. Type the topic that you have in mind in the search bar. The website will populate a list of the common topics.

3. In the results page, you will see the list of the popular questions as well as unanswered ones. You can use the unanswered questions as an opportunity to identify topics that you can write about.

4. Post your answer in the unanswered question (this is up to you!)
5. Use your answer and transform it in a content into your blog post.

Comment on Popular Blogs
Check the most popular blogs in your niche. These blogs get hundreds to thousands of comments per post. Because of the large volume of people leaving comments, most authors don’t have enough time to respond directly to each and every question.
Use this as a golden opportunity for yourself.
You may reply directly in the comments thread and provide a helpful response to the question. Then take the question and your answer and create a blog post about it. However, do not spam another blogger’s comment section with your site links or answer every question as if it were your site, and for Heaven’s sake – do not speak ill of, in any way, the blog owner. The blogging community is HUGE, but, small – and you’ll end up with a bad reputation. So, be courteous.
If you continue answering questions, in your blog posts, of other people in this specific niche, people will start recognizing you as an expert on the subject. Plus, the search engines like to see that you cover a specific niche and well, rather than covering a million niches – they have no clue what you’re an expert at when that’s the case.
Always remember, an active blog with fresh contents can boost your audience engagement.

To prevent these ideas from being forgotten, keep a list of the things that you can write about. If you think of an idea, write it down. Go back to the list anytime you think you need help in coming up with a good topic.
Finding a good topic for your blog can be tricky but if you pick out the right topic, it can save you time and energy. Plus, you ‘ll be helping other readers who are looking for answers.