5 Blog Writing Tips For More Meaningful And Powerful Content
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No one sits down to write a new blog post and hopes it isn’t the best one they’ve ever written. You always want to put out the best content you can every time. But, it’s not always that easy – it’s sometimes hard to come up with a good topic and make it interesting and enjoyable for your readers as well as give them something they can actually do with your content to make a difference in their lives. Whether that be by writing a post that helps them train their dog, or apply their makeup in a way that makes them feel better, or giving them tips they can actually use to make their blog content more engaging, it can be difficult to come up with powerful and meaningful blog content.
Imagine yourself with readers who CANNOT wait to read your next post, that’s what we all want, right? That is definitely every blogger’s goal.
Whenever you’re researching new content or you’re sitting down to create a new post, sometimes your mind is just blank – as far as writing goes – however, you can think of everything under the sun you need to do or get done, but, to think of a post topic and write it? Sometimes it seems impossible and we doubt ourselves and wonder why we even started a blog in the first place! lol.
You read other blogger’s posts that you admire and think why can’t you write like that – it must be effortless for them (it’s not, by the way!). But, right now, you cannot think of anything.
The more you “exercise” your blogging talents, the better they become. Just like a baby learning to walk, at first they fall and before you know it they are running, and jumping. You have to spend time “exercising” those blogging muscles!
Try Some Writing Exercises
If you want to have a body that is physically fit, you need to work out and exercise. If you want to produce more powerful, and meaningful content, you need to exercise your writing muscles in the same way.
It’s important to write often to get yourself more in the habit of writing. Write about your feelings and things that make you think and feel. These don’t have to go into a blog post, but, they will help you get comfortable writing about and expressing your feelings better.
When you do this the first few times, you might feel unnatural, clumsy, and even bored. But, after doing its for a few weeks, you’ll see a big difference in your writing. Plus, in a few years you can look back and see how far you’ve come. Bloggers often comment on posts they wrote a few years ago and laugh and say “Wow, what was I thinking?” lol But, we all grow and learn as time goes on and it’s good to be able to look back and see the progress we’ve made.
Tap Into Your Emotions
It’s sometimes hard to put ourselves in other people’s shoes, but, once we do, it is like blinders falling away and we are then more easily able to connect with our readers on a new level.
Remember, right now, you’re just practicing and writing for yourself so, you can open up in any way that helps you tap into your readers needs and serve them better. These exercises are to help you become more comfortable in writing to and reaching your readers.
Try and tap into your readers needs and speak to those. Speak from experiences you have had that can help them overcome whatever it is they are looking for, remember they are searching on search engines for a specific answer to a problem. Be that answer, provide it for them. Write how you have or would handle the problem.
Find The Writing Style That Is Most Comfortable For You
When you’re speaking, you’re speaking in your voice. You might also use hand gestures, body language, and even inflections to add emphasis to what you’re saying.
However, it’s different when you’re writing. Your words must do all the heavy lifting. Each of the words you use must count. They must convey your emotions and all of the those hand motions, inflections, and body language, for you to get your point across the way you hear the words in your head.
However, not just getting your message across to your reader – it should also capture and KEEP their attention and be entertaining for them.
This is why writers spend so much time honing their own writing style. If you look around on blogs you like to read or ones you’ve never read you see many different writing styles. For instance, I love Holly and her writing style – it’s easy to read and gets the point across with entertainment and keeps me interested, here’s an example: When Your Kid’s Behavior Doesn’t Seem Right. Then there are other people I also follow and like their writing style, which is different than Holly’s, like Ann – I like that she’s snarky, so she keeps me interested and entertained, too: The Axe Incident. So, as you can see there are many types of writing styles and they all resonate with different readers. You just need to find yours.
Emulate Your Favorite Bloggers
Choose the bloggers whose writing style you most admire and copy one of their articles, word for word. As you begin to rewrite the post – do it in your own words, using your pace, and rhythm, your word choices, and sentence structure. You’ll soon see your own writing style begin to emerge.
Write Your Life Story In 400 Words
No one would wants to read a blog post of your life story as long as a biography, so, begin to write your life story and as you do try and keep it at 400 words. That way you learn how to leave in the important parts and how to remove the things that don’t add value.
Continue to train yourself to omit the fluff and get to straight to the point. Keep it entertaining, but, to the point, and short enough that the reader sees you value their time. There is nothing I hate more than watching a video or listening to a podcast, or even a TV show, for that matter, where they spend the first 10 – 20 minutes telling me what they are going to tell me in the next 20 minutes of their podcast, video, or TV show. Get to the point, make it entertaining, and people will appreciate it.
Write a story that paints a complete picture of your life but limit it to 400 words only. Focus on the most important events and eliminate those that don’t add value to the overall flow and direction of the story.
Trim Down And Then Trim Down Some More
Using short, paced, sentences makes them easier to read and simpler to grasp as well as creating a more powerful impact.
Train yourself to write concisely. Lots of extras that don’t lend to the actual task at hand can confuse the point and make your reader frustrated or bored.
Now it’s time to tackle some actual posts. Find an older post you’ve written and rewrite it. Your goal is to cut 20% of the total word count without changing the tone, point, or engagement of the post.
Focus on shortening paragraphs. Removing redundant sentences, or thoughts, and replace the longer and possibly run on phrases with shorter, more concise ones.
Work On Your Scene-Painting Skills
Let’s face it: Dry content is boring. If you want to get more responses from your audience, you need to evoke their senses.
You need to paint a more tangible scene, use visual language that invokes your readers imagination and allows them to see the actual picture you are drawing with your words..
Use these exercises to help you paint a vivid picture:
Describe The Best And The Worst Date You’ve Ever Had
Where did you meet? What were you wearing? What was the first thing on your mind?
Describe what happened on your best and worst date. Make the descriptions as vivid as possible.
Make your reader picture the scene, feel your emotions, and even hear the music playing in the background.
Strengthen Your Storytelling Muscles
Everyone loves to read a good story. Knowing how to tell a good story will make you a more engaging writer.
Most great stories follow the three-act structure. The setup, confrontation, and the resolution.
The set-up is where the hero and the world they live in are introduced. This sets up the main conflict by giving the hero of the story a problem to solve or even an antagonist to beat.
The confrontation is when the hero confronts the problem. This also includes the hero gathering the tools, skills, and alliances he or she needs to solve the problem.
The resolution is the part when the hero solves the problem and makes the world a better place.
This can be applied to how you write any story. You start with the solution or resolution you’ll be providing (setting up and introducing the hero), then you explain what the problem is that you’ll be solving with your post (the confrontation). Then you finish up by explaining just how the problem you explained can be resolved using the hero you introduced, and the steps needed to get there (the resolution).
Write Your Own Story
These next 2 exercises will help you to expand and explore your writing style. Remember these are not for blog posts, but, exercises that will help you be more creative with your writing, so they are just for your eyes. Be as creative as you like – stretch yourself.
Picture yourself as a superhero who will be saving the world against the forces of evil. You can use your own life for inspiration or even add some elements of fantasy to make your story more exciting.
What are your superpowers? Who gave you those powers? Do you have a kryptonite? Who is the force of evil that you need to face?
How do you resolve the problem the force of evil brought upon you or the world?
Write A Crime Thriller
These exercises help you stretch beyond the norm, make yourself think outside the box, and see things you might not see if you didn’t let you imagination wander.
Do you enjoy reading fictional stories about someone witnessing a crime or committing a crime?
Take a walk around your neighborhood, pay attention to each of the houses you pass by. Write a short thriller inspired by everything you see. See everything around you, the people you pass by, and the houses you see in a twisted tale of crime solving.
Practice these exercises consistently. It can be daily, weekly, or monthly. Find time to let your imagination take you and expand your writing abilities. Try one or two exercises that appeal to you and start working on them for at least 15 to 30 minutes.
Before you know it, you’ll be full of ideas, creativity, and ways to tell stories that engage your audience and leave them wanting more.