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Have you been looking for a job you can work from home? Or are you interested in being your own boss, owning your own business? My motivation has always been to work from home so that I could stay home with my kids. I did a ton of different things to be able to work from home. I have answered phones, owned an online eBay store, freelanced computer optimization for businesses. I even started a home repair business from home, that was so successful Hubby was able to quit his fulltime job and come home to help me run it, now we both blog and love it!
Starting A Blog? Check Out Our Step By Step Guide
Have you ever thought about starting a blog? Is there something you are passionate about that you could share with others? Are you the person all of your friends and family come to for certain things? Turn that knowledge into your own business! You should make your own blog!
For me it was couponing (it’s grown to even more now) my family, friends, and people at my church were coming to me asking me what the best deals were that week and how I was able to get as much food and other items as I had. I was selling coupons on eBay at the time and decided I could carry that over to a website, at the time I had no idea what a blog was or that there were already “coupon blogs” doing that! My original plan was to sell the coupons on my website and share with people the best way to use them by sharing the local store’s matchups each week.
Hubby and I began to research how to start a website. I wish there had been something to help us back then. I was steered VERY wrong and taken advantage of and had my money stolen. I hired someone to get my site up and running, he took my money, put me on a platform that was unworkable, and left me with a site that was half finished and set up to sell cameras!
Hubby and I tried hard to piece together something we knew NOTHING about and tried to fix it on our own. I attended a local PR event and met a blogger who was kind enough to tell me about her Blog Host and gave me the info to reach him. He felt sorry for me and he basically redesigned and set up my site for me and I was so grateful to him – he was so kind to me in a very hard time.
Trust me when I say it is so much easier now than it was back then! I have always been happy to share what I know with anyone that asked, I have, however, been hesitant sharing this info though as I wasn’t sure my readers really wanted to know. But, I have had so many requests I thought I would finally share with you how to get started!
I have been blogging since the beginning of 2008 and in the beginning, of course, as I was growing the site it was very little money, but, it actually grew faster than I expected and soon I was able to stop selling on eBay and do the blog full-time. We have lived on the blogging income from then on, so, it’s definitely something you can do, if you put in the work to make a living or a supplemental income. It’s up to you!
By now you’re probably asking how you can create your own blog. In this series you will learn everything from setting up a blog and how to build a blog to how to run a blog and how to make money blogging. The success? Well, that part is up to you. It will be your business and it can be anything you want it to be.
This is the first in this series of posts. We will be discussing how to start a blog, how to make money blogging, and how to enjoy blogging. Be sure to read all of these posts so you don’t miss any of the steps you’ll need to start your own business and be able to work from home! As I write new posts you’ll see them added to this page.
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