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Adding your About Me page to your new blog is the topic today.
Need help with your about page design or about me examples for blogs? This post will walk you through every step to create your website about page in no time.
Here’s the progress we’ve made so far in this series on How To Start Your Own Blog:
- decided to start a blog
- found our niche
- bought a domain
- chose the blogging platform
- set up your blog and made it all pretty 🙂
- signed up for and installed Google Analytics
- added copyright to the website footer
- added a Privacy Policy and Disclosure page
Adding An About Me Page To Your New Blog
If you’ve done all of this along the way – stop for a second and pat yourself on the back – you’ve come a long way! Congrats!
Let’s dive right in on the next topic: Adding your About Me web page to your new blog.
Your own website About Me page is important to your new blog because readers want to connect with you. They want to know who you are and if they relate to you and what you have to say.
Empty nester readers are less likely to follow a mom of 3 toddlers because that is not where they are in life. A married Mom of 4 elementary aged kids is less likely to follow an 18 year old fashion blogger because they may not relate.
Your About Me page should tell people who you are and what your interests are. Are you married? Are you a newlywed or have you been married to your spouse for 20 years? Do you have kids? Have you adopted? What about pets? Interests? Why are you blogging?
About Page Design: Text Or Video?
All of those things and more make a great About Me page. Look around the internet at the About Me examples for blogs you follow and relate to. One of my sites I have a video About Me page. I sat in front of my video camera and explained who I am and why I am blogging. On I have a written About me page with images of my life.
“Do you” on your website About page, if you are more comfortable in front of the camera, do a video, if you prefer to write and use images, do that. Whatever makes you feel comfortable will make your readers feel comfortable and connect with you.
Don’t forget as time passes to update it. When I started my first site I still had the last kid at home and he was 12, now he’s moved out and it’s just Hubby and I, so I made a new video updating who I am now.
Let’s get in to the “how”:
Text About Me Page
We discussed in the last post how to add a page to your site, so, of you need to know how to do that, check out: Adding Privacy And Disclosure Policy Pages To Your New Blog.
Once you have started a new page for your About Me, you’ll need to title it. You can choose “About” or “About Me”, or anything you like, it’s your page. Just make sure that your readers understand what they’ll find there. Remember that with pages they don’t show up on the front page of your blog, so, the only way someone can find it is to click a link to it. You can add a link in your menu bar (which we’ll discuss in a future post) or on your sidebar (which we will also discuss in a later post). Again, look at other blogs that you like or relate to and decide where you’ll want yours to live and we’ll place that link later.
Once you have titled your page, you’ll want to introduce yourself and begin telling your readers who you are. If you’re writing it, just go ahead and write what you want and once you’re done we’ll add the images.
Once you have written your page and are ready to add images, because who wants to read about you without seeing images OF you and your life? 🙂
Save the photos you want to place in your About Me page in a JPG format, they will take up less space and you’ll be glad you did later. You can use any photo editing program to do that or use PicMonkey or Canva.
Save it in a size that will fit and that is not too big or too small. If it started as a 3588 x 5499 – that’s HUGE and it needs to be smaller. For reference most ads in a sidebar are around 300 x 250, so for a blog post or page that’s really too small. For my main images on this site I use 1000 x 660, for one of my other sites I use a 700 x 700. As time goes on we’ll talk more about this as there are different sizes for social media posts and so forth, for now choose a size that you think works with your site and your images. Your main image, say of yourself if you want, can be larger than the others in the post.
After you have chosen your images and resized them and are ready to add them to your About Me page, place your cursor where you’d like to add the image and then you’ll go to the top of your post where it says Add Media:
Click on it and you’ll see this pop up (yours will not have the images mine is showing).
Click on the Upload Media tab at the top of the box that popped up:
What you’re doing now is uploading the image from your computer to your new blog and then we can add it to the post where you want it.
When you click Upload Media here’s what you’ll see:
On this screen you’ll either drag and drop the image, or choose Select File and it will take you to your computer files to choose the image you want to upload and then you choose Insert Into Post. Make not of the Maximum upload file size, too, and make sure your image doesn’t exceed that size.
Once you have done that you’ll see this:
You’ll see the image you uploaded – marked by the Checkmark on it. You’ll see the URL (wb address) that WordPress gave it (if you ever need to you can use that address to see it on it’s own page on the web). You’ll see many places to fill out, for now we’ll just add a title. Make sure to make it descriptive – don’t use a title like 23hfg7G – me -1 – 2017. If it’s you on a boat you can even name it sailing, it will make it much easier to search through your images for it later (among other reasons we’ll discuss in the future).
Once you hit Insert Into Post, you’ll see it in your post. Do that for each image you’d like in the post. If you’d like the image centered, you can do that by clicking the center icon at the top of the post:
Video About Me Page
If you’re doing a video, you’ll want to record your video on your phone or camera, and then you can upload to your computer and then to YouTube or just directly up to YouTube. There are other ways to do it, I just find that YouTube is the easiest for me.
Once you have uploaded your video to YouTube, just go to the video on YouTube and choose Share, and copy the embed link and you’ll come back to your About Me page and click on the “Text” tab in the top right of your post box:
At that point you’ll see the “html” version of your post. Scroll down to the area where you want to add the video and paste in the embed code you copied from your YouTube video.
If you have trouble finding the place you’re looking for in the html version go back to the Visual tab and scroll down to where you want to add it. Type in INSERT VIDEO HERE and then go back to the Text tab and find those words, you can also hold down the CTRL key on your keyboard and press the F key to pull up a “Find” box and place the text in there and it will find it for you.
If you want your video centered in your post add this JUST BEFORE the embed code <center> and this JUST AFTER the embed code </center> DO NOT place it anywhere inside the code.
That’s it. You can add some text before and after the video instructing the reader to watch it to see your About Me, or you can transcribe your video so they can choose to read it or watch it.
Once you have finished adding your text, images, and/or video, you can publish your page and you’re done!
Here is the video walk through:

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